Alison Carpenter, MSc, MA, CDBC


Credentials you can trust
You and your dog deserve support from a qualified, accredited professional, with proven academic and practical skills.

Work with me and here’s what you’ll access:

  •  A fully Certified Dog Behaviour Consultant having undertaken rigorous assessment with the International Association of Animal Behaviour Consultants
  • Master’s degrees in applied animal Behaviour and Welfare (Distinction, Newcastle University), and in Human Education (Distinction, Manchester Metropolitan University), so you’re both in good hands!
  • Specialism in helping dogs with aggression issues, having engaged in detailed training and ongoing mentorship in working with aggression with world-renowned specialist, Michael Shikashio
  • Qualified Force Free Trick Trainer with the School of Canine Science
  • Author of work published in the Journal of Applied Animal Welfare


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Ethical methods supported by science
You need solutions to return to harmonious living with your dog, but not at the expense of your dog’s welfare.

Traditionally, dog training focuses on what the dog is doing and aims to show the dog what is ‘unacceptable’ often through the use of punishment and chastisement. At best this leaves the dog anxious and confused – and it doesn’t teach the dog what he should do.

Instead, let’s consider why the dog is behaving this way. With my guidance, you will learn to recognise and respond to your dog’s communication signals; help your dog to change how he feels about situations; and teach him new behaviours that are rewarded so that the dog is supported to make better choices. I don’t believe there is such a thing as a perfect dog, but they are all capable of learning and changing given the right help.

It’s my mission that the humans be treated positively too! We will work together to create a behaviour change plan using positive, fear-free methods that suits your lifestyle and level of training experience. I am here to guide and support, never to judge.


Empathy and experience
You want someone who understands how hard it is living with a challenging dog.

As well as having worked successfully with dogs and their owners for over 18 years, I currently live with 3 dogs (and a very patient husband). All my dogs were rehomed and came with their own ‘baggage’, giving me first hand experience of living with and working through a range of behavioural issues with energetic working breeds. I understand the reality of balancing a dog’s need for exercise, mental stimulation and rest with everything else that life brings.


Respected Affiliations

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